May 31, 2011

Rulebook Installation #12

Hello again!
I just want everyone to know that the blog's face-lift has
turned into one hell of a project.
But don't worry!
I'm determined.
Every day it gets closer and closer to being finished.
But for now, please excuse the incomplete feeling
and the "COMING SOON!" in various places.

Now, let's get down to business.
Rulebook Installation #12!
U-Hauling is NOT an appropriate second date.

I don't know what it is with lesbians and wanting to move
in with each other immediately, but even I am guilty of
this one, ladies. It's almost like we invite the cute girl from
the library over to have coffee and talk about books and
She becomes a permanent fixture in the house.

The problem with this?
She's not nearly as permanent as we believe her to be.

Moving someone into your personal space right after meeting
them isn't a good idea for anyone, let alone two emotionally
charged women who have no idea what each other is really like.

And there you have it.
Take your newest lady interest out for coffee or something
for your second date and don't bring a U-Haul with you.

May 29, 2011

Rulebook Installation #11

Well Hello!
How has everyone been?

So I was just lying here in bed
glancing over past posts here on Things Lesbians Do
and I realized that there are many more than
just 10 Lesbian Rules to Live By.

Many more.

I've decided that I will add installments of said rules
as they come up and combine them into
a sort of rulebook here.

Don't worry, I'll make a nice little tab at the top for you.

So without further delay...
Rulebook Installation #11
Do NOT Recycle Girlfriends

This is a problem that is more than just common when
you have a group of lesbians that are all friends,
this is a problem that is damn-near universal
in every group of lesbians that are all friends.

Generally a group of lesbian friends are mostly paired
off into couples, and of course some of those couples are
bound to break up. Where does the recycling come in?
When someone else in the group of friends snatches up
one of the exes from said break up and claims her for
their own.

Listen, ladies...
This is bad.
Lesbians are known for their mass amounts of drama,
but I do believe that it's safe to say Girlfriend Recycling
is one of the major causes of the Lesbian Drama.

I don't know what it is about lesbians, but we all seem to
not only make commitments very quickly and without
thinking them through
(see: U-Hauling)
but we also cycle through said commitments very quickly.
Lesbo Herds who suffer from Girlfriend Recycling basically
then get to pick one of two fates:
Complete shattering of the group
Becoming a weird little incestuous, we-share-everything! kind
of lesbian family.

Neither fate is really all that appealing.
Well, at least not for very long.