About The Blog

I started Things Lesbians Do at first as a bit of a joke, but I soon got really into it and put a lot of work into the blog and, with that, it quickly took off in my head as something that I really wanted to get out there. I knew that there were a lot of lesbian blogs and vlogs out there, but I wanted to put my own spin on it (as well as my own experiences).

I was inspired by Effing Dykes and I hope Things Lesbians Do will one day be as popular.

Even though I was heavily inspired by Effing DykesThings Lesbians Do isn't quite the same. Some of the differences? I try very hard to keep things as organized and as easy to navigate as possible with things like The Lesbian Rulebook and The Lesbian Dictionary. The tabs at the top of the blog make the static pages easy to see, click on and learn about.

There are many misconceptions and stereotypes about lesbians, even in today's society, which is especially surprising since we all know that lesbians have been around for a very long time, and even though some of  the stereotypes have a grain or two of truth to them, many of the things people believe about lesbians are quite false.

Here at Things Lesbians Do, we do our best to get the right information out there while still keeping an edge of comedy. What's life without some laughs, anyway?

So I'm glad you're here and I hope that you enjoy your stay. Check out the Contact tab at the top of the page for our email address as well as our Facebook page. Drop us an email! Give us a like! We always respond and we always appreciate.

Your Original Author,