About The Author

My Story:
I was born on January 25th, 1990 and I grew up in a tiny town in Southern Utah. The population there in 2011 was 494 people, and in 2012 it dropped to 492. Needless to say, there was very little to do as a kid. The elementary school I went to was in the next town over, as was the high school. I didn't go to a "middle school" per say because the elementary building had grades K-6 and the high school building had grades 7-12. I got into all kinds of trouble, though nothing serious, but I really enjoyed school. I wanted to learn everything. Once I hit high school though, I learned to question everything. That kind of shit doesn't fly in tiny towns. I discovered I was gay at the age of 13(7th grade) and realized very quickly that from that point on I no longer fit in with what the school expected me to be. I dropped out in grade 11, immediately got my GED, scoring high enough to technically be an honor student(even though I was failing many of my classes), and never looked back.

In 2007 I became a part of what we called "The Pussy Posse." Oh man, those days were interesting. "The Pussy Posse" was comprised of something like 10-15 lesbians who all lived in the same area. We would meet up at the houses of a few of the girls and usually drink ourselves stupid, which is exactly what was happening the night I met my girlfriend, Sara, in October of 2007. I'm not going to tell that whole story, but let's just say that Sara's on-again, off-again girlfriend was there, I was drunk as a skunk, I laid on her lap for a while, folded her a paper crane out of a candy wrapper, and then wrote my phone number on her hand after drunkenly babbling about my ex and how broken hearted I was(kill me). I found out later that I had forgotten to give Sara my name, so she put me in her phone as Drunkie and called me that for years afterwords.

After bouncing around between Vegas, Southern Utah, and Salt Lake, I eventually settled in Las Vegas, which is where Sara and I live together and are raising our son, Xander. He was born August 2nd, 2012 and that will forever be one of the most amazing days of my life. His arrival altered my entire outlook on life. We will soon be moving to Colorado, however, and we couldn't be more excited. We should be out of this tourist trap in a short month or two.

I'm a big fan of first person shooter video games. They're basically the only games I play and I only play on Xbox. Unless it's God of War. I love all of those games even though they're strictly PS games.
I love to read and write. I haven't had much time to read lately, what with a toddler to chase all the time, but I have countless notebooks filled with all kinds of nonsense that I've written over the years. I'm a huge notebook fan. I have to fight not to buy a notebook I like, even if I already have 10 empty ones. I always think I can use a new notebook. Oh, and pens. I love pens, too. I'm not terribly picky with pens, though. In fact, I really like the cheap PaperMate pens that come in bags of like 25 for just a few bucks.

Random Facts About Me:

1. I don't just surface clean, I deep clean. I can't just clean the microwave; I have to clean the entire kitchen. I can't just clean the bathroom mirror, I have to clean the entire bathroom.
2. I absolutely despise the feeling of my fingernails scratching any kind of rough surface. Seat belts and jeans are the worst. It causes me physical pain even if I hear/see someone else scratch a seat belt or jeans.
3. I have twelve tattoos and plans for many more. My next big project is going to be to work on my sleeve.
4. I really like coffee mugs... I'm not sure what it is about them because I don't even drink much coffee(though I do drink tea), but if I see a cute coffee mug I have a really hard time not buying it.




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