
There are some terms here on Things Lesbians Do that may need a bit
of an explanation. You will find them here. In alphabetical order.

ANDROGYNY: The act of identifying as both/neither of the two defined genders; and/or the act of identifying as a merge of the two defined genders; and/or the act of expressing neutral gender characteristics.

BABY DYKELesbian who is young and/or has just come out of the closet. (See: Types of Lesbians)

BIEBIANLesbian who looks like Justin Bieber. (See: Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber)

BINDING: The act of taping or compressing the breasts of a woman so that she may pass as a man. This is done with extremely tight bras, elastic bandages and other methods.

BISEXUAL: A physical, emotional and/or sexual attraction to both men and women.

BOI: Lesbian who acts and dresses in a strictly "masculine" fashion. (See: Types of Lesbians)

BUTCH: Lesbian who sports mainly "masculine" characteristics while still maintaining their female-ness. (See: Types of Lesbians)

CHAPSTICKLesbian who sports more androgynous characteristics. Also: Can be called Soft-Butch. (See: Types of Lesbians)

COMING OUT: The process of becoming aware of, understanding and accepting one's own sexual orientation or gender identity as well as the continued decision making process about the level of openness a person chooses to exert.

CROSS-DRESSING: The act of wearing clothing, on occasion, that is typically considered as being for another gender; without the desire to alter one's physical gender. Also: Transvestite is the name given to a person who cross-dresses. (See: Drag)

DIESEL DYKELesbian who is often heavy-set and very "masculine" in appearance and personality. (See: Types of Lesbians)

DRAG: The term used for the clothing and often exaggerated gender characteristics used when a person wears and expresses them opposite to their assigned gender; "Let's go out and dress in drag!"

DRAG KING: A woman who dresses in male drag.

DRAG QUEEN: A man who dresses in female drag.

GAY: A person who is emotionally, physically and/or sexually attracted to the same gender but not the opposite gender.

GAYDAR: The intuitive ability to assess someone's sexual orientation.

GOLD STARLesbian who has never engaged in sexual activities with a man.

HASBIANWoman who was once a lesbian but no longer is. Also: It can be assumed that a Hasbian was never really a lesbian to begin with. (See: Types of Lesbians)

HETEROSEXUAL: The emotional, physical and/or sexual attraction to one's opposite gender but not one's same gender. Also: Straight.

HOMOPHOBIA: The irrational fear of love, affection and erotic behavior between people of the same gender.

HOMOSEXUAL: A person who is emotionally, physically and/or sexually attracted to the same gender but not the opposite gender.

INCOGNITOLesbian who shows absolutely no outward signs of being gay. (See: Types of Lesbians)

IN THE CLOSET: Not disclosing or being secretive about one's own sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

KRISBIANWoman who is gay for Kristin Stewart but is otherwise straight. (See: Kristin Stewart)

LESBIAN: A female homosexual. Also: A woman who engages in sexual and romantic relationships with other women but not with men.

LESBO HERD: A group of lesbians. Also: A Lesbo Herd can have anywhere from three to dozens of lesbians in the group; most often these lesbians are all friends and enjoy activities together as a whole group, but the larger the herd, the more chances you have of an unstable dynamic. Also: Most Lesbo Herds are made up of an even amount of women due to the fact that they are usually groups of paired off couples.

LGBT: Acronym for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender." Also: Can be seen as any combination of these letters such as GLBT, LGTB, etc.

LIPSTICKLesbian who sports mainly "feminine" characteristics. Also: Can be called Femme. (See: Types of Lesbians)

LONE STARLesbian who has only been with one woman and no men.

L.U.G.Woman who shows great interest in women while in college but, once out of college, loses said interest. Also: Short for Lesbian Until Graduation. (See: Types of Lesbians)

PANSEXUAL: A person who is emotionally, physically and/or sexually attracted to any gender or physical makeup.

PILLOW QUEENLesbian who only receives sexual pleasure and does not reciprocate for her partner.

POWER DYKELesbian in a position of authority. Also: Can be called a Suit. (See: Types of Lesbians)

QUEER: An umbrella term which can be used to include anyone who does not fit the binary gender code either physically or the expected gender rolls which come with it. Also: This term was once a very negative term but has since been slowly taken back by the LGBT community and the term's negative connotation is dwindling.

SPORT DYKELesbian who plays sports but is still "feminine." (See: Types of Lesbians)

STONE BUTCHLesbian who only gives sexual pleasure and does not allow her partner to reciprocate.

TRANSPHOBIA: The irrational fear of those who are perceived to break or blur the binary gender code.

TRANSEXUAL: A person who, through experiencing an intense, long-term discomfort resulting from feeling the inappropriateness of their assigned gender at birth and discomfort of their body, adapts their gender role and body in order to reflect and be congruent with their gender identity.

TWAT-SWATWhen the attempts of a lesbian to hook up with another woman are thwarted. Also: The lesbian equivalent to Cock-Block.

U-HAULING: Moving in together. Also: Lesbians often use U-Hauling as a second date. (See: Rule #5 in The Relationship Section of The Rulebook)