Jun 30, 2011

Equality in New York!

I know it's a little late and everyone has probably already celebrated, but...


This is huge for us lesbians (and the rest of the LGBT community, of course)! The battle for marriage equality has finally regained traction! And what a shock, too... The New York victory was the first time that a Republican majority legislature has passed anything like this and adding New York more than doubled the number of Americans living in marriage equality states.

What exactly does this mean for me?

This means that I am one step closer to being treated as an equal human being, because as much as people like to argue that we are "equal but separate," that's bullshit. Everyone knows that "separate but equal" is not equal at all and doesn't work; we've proved that already in America's not-so-distant history with the civil rights struggle between '50 and '80. I know that the gay rights movement may not be as violent and the persecuted in our generation weren't once treated as slaves, but the gay rights movement is also a civil rights movement. All we want are the same, basic civil rights that the rest of the country enjoys. We want the same fucked up chances of making a marriage work. And if I hear one more person trying to use the slippery slope argument, I'm gonna puke on them.

"If we let gays get married, then we'll have to let pedophiles marry children! We'll have to let polygamy become legal! We'll have to let people marry their pets!"

The slippery slope is both ridiculous and can go the other way:
If we don't let gays get married, then we'll have to keep different races from marrying each other. Eventually, to make everyone equal, we'll just have to outlaw marriage all together!
See the ridiculousness?


You've reignited the fight for equality.

Jun 14, 2011

Curve: The Best-Selling Lesbian Magazine

I just paid for my first magazine subscription, ladies.
And it was a lesbian magazine.
Total win if you ask me.

Curve® is the only magazine in the USofA that I know of that is written specifically for lesbians, and you know what? I'm so excited to read it!

That's it, really... Not much of a post, I know.
Forgive me!

Jun 11, 2011

The Real L Word

Last night I watched my first episode of
with The Girlfriend.

I feel like a terrible lesbian for never having seen it before...
A bunch of real lesbians going through real lesbian things?
Really hot women that love women?
How could I not have watched this before?!

Today (at work, as usual) I was thinking about things lesbians do, and you know what I realized? Lesbians kick the shit out of reality TV.
We have got to be the most dramatic minority group ever.
Why hadn't anyone made a reality TV show out of us sooner?

Needless to say...
I'm ready to watch every single episode of The Real L Word the moment they each air.

Are you a lesbian that's never watched it before?
Shame on you.
Watch it.
Love it.
Become addicted.

Jun 9, 2011

Random Work Thought

Today I got back to work after having five days off...
Needless to say, it wasn't what I wanted to be doing.
However, while I'm at work, my mind often wanders.
Today it wandered to lands of relevance to the blog!

So while I was making a stupid bed at the stupid hotel,
I started thinking about Ellen.
I think every lesbian randomly thinks of Ellen at some point
during the day... Right?
Anyway, I was thinking about Ellen and remembered that
I had heard she cheated on Portia.
I don't know if this is true or not and I somehow doubt it,
but I was thinking,
"Who the hell would cheat on that beautiful woman?!"

Then it hit me...

The general female population doesn't cheat because
their significant other isn't attractive enough or doesn't
put out enough...
They cheat because of the emotions involved in the relationship.
Suddenly, at this seemingly random moment in time,
I had figured out why lesbians cheat so damn much.

Because two emotionally charged women in a single
relationship are bound to have their emotions... Wander.

Not only do women cheat because of their emotions,
but they cheat emotionally the majority of the time.
It's just not about the sex for us ladies.

Don't get me wrong, women love sex as much as,
if not more than, men do.
We just don't build relationships on it.

That's it.
There's not really a point.


Jun 2, 2011

The 5 Deadly Phrases

Well hello there.
I'm blogging from bed again tonight,
but this post needed to be done while I was still
inspired to do it.

What are we talking about?
The 5 Deadly Phrases!
What are The 5 Deadly Phrases?
I'll tell you:

"Fine," is what she uses at the end of an argument when
she knows she's right and you're wrong. At this point, it's
time to just shut up.

"Nothing," always means "Something," and you should be worried.

"Go ahead."
"Go ahead," is a dare. Not permission.
Don't do it.

"Whatever," is what she says when she's thinking "Fuck you."

"I don't care."
"I don't care," actually means "I care," and that she is thinking
long and hard about how and when you will be paying for this.

It's amazing to me sometimes that us lesbians can be so
oblivious to the language of a woman.
(And believe me; it is its own language.)
I mean, come on...
We're women who date women.
You think we'd know all there is to know!
And while I still hold true to thinking that lesbians are the
best people to ask for girl advice, sometimes we have nothing
better to say than, "I don't know."

One more article of evidence that women are complicated,
complicated, complicated beings.