All of us Vegas homos can finally come out of hiding, take off the majority of our clothes, cover our skin in glitter and prance about among each other while we get drunk, watch drag queens doing Cher songs better than she ever did, get all the free rainbow condoms we could possibly want and just enjoy the general feel of enthusiasm and community.
Aug 22, 2011
Yay! Camping!
All of us Vegas homos can finally come out of hiding, take off the majority of our clothes, cover our skin in glitter and prance about among each other while we get drunk, watch drag queens doing Cher songs better than she ever did, get all the free rainbow condoms we could possibly want and just enjoy the general feel of enthusiasm and community.
Aug 19, 2011
Random Work Thought
I've noticed that people seem to think that all lesbians are really confident. This, of course, is not true. So why are we percieved that way?
Is it just because we're awesome? Or is it simply because we're "out and proud?"
I don't know about the rest of us lesbians, but I, for one, am far from confident. I'm insecure and emotional abd very sensitive, but most would never guess it. I can't be the only lesbian who fakes confidence in the hopes that it will fend off the haters. Or maybe I am...
In any case, I think lesbians (and homos in general) are seen as confident because we are out of the closet and many of us are prepared for an attack, therefor we always seem to have this "I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it" attitude about us at all times.
So just to set the record straight (or gay as the case may be) not all of us homos are confident, but we are still not the people you want to mess with.