Hey ladies!
I know I've kind of been gone for a while, but I've been busy with work and The Girlfriend and I totally went on an awesome camping trip where I obviously had no internet access. Real camping has no cell phone service at all. No connection to the rest of the human race.
That just reminded me:
Us Lesbians Love Camping!
Okay, so maybe it's the more butch end of the lady-homo spectrum that are more into camping, but still! I'm not sure if it's our feminism showing and our subconscious (or not) need to prove our ability to survive (and thrive, damnit!) without the opposite sex or if it's just something about the outdoors that appeals to us, but camping is where it's at for us butchier (and a few of the more lady-like) lesbos.
Also, the other day I saw another biscuit bumper in Wal-Mart and could. not. stop. staring. After admitting this to The Girlfriend and having her laugh at me, I realized that I have become such the stereotypical lesbian homebody that I revert into my baby-dyke-ness whenever I'm in a public situation. I completely forget how to be when there are other lesbians present.
What has happened to me?!
The Girlfriend and I have spent way too much time away from the rest of our kind and it is showing. If the lesbian I was staring at in Wal-Mart ever reads this: I'm sorry I was so awkward! I'm not really a baby-dyke, though I know I looked like one... I've been out and proud since I was like 13-years-old (2003). Please forgive my dumb-struck expression of complete awe... I sort of forget that other lesbians exist... >.>
Moving on.

All of us Vegas homos can finally come out of hiding, take off the majority of our clothes, cover our skin in glitter and prance about among each other while we get drunk, watch drag queens doing Cher songs better than she ever did, get all the free rainbow condoms we could possibly want and just enjoy the general feel of enthusiasm and community.
More importantly, though:

Where they will welcome me with open arms and ass-less chaps and bull dykes on Harleys.

I know that us homos get a lot of shit for how eccentric we get at PRIDE events and I know that I've also voiced my negative opinion about how that eccentricity makes us look to the rest of the world, but
damnit, right now I miss it.
So, Las Vegas PRIDE.
September 16th & 17th
The parade is the 16th and the festival is the 17th.
Be there?