[[ MYTH: All lesbians are the same. ]]
I hope no one out there actually thought that all lesbians are the same, because oh how wrong you would be. Think about it... We're women who date other women. How could you ever expect things to be simple?
Now, let's dive right in here. Keep in mind that these are all very general and there are still many variations of the types I have listed here, but I'm trying to keep you from getting completely lost right off the bat. There will be plenty of time for me to get into the little off-shoots of each of these types. You may fit well into one of these types, you may fit well into a few of these types, or you may not fit into any of them. That's all well and good, I promise. Every single person is different, and every single lesbian is different as well. Here we go.
Butch lesbians are lesbians who sport mainly "masculine" characteristics. A butch lesbian has short hair, baggy clothes, no makeup and an overall low-maintenance appearance. Most people think of images like the one above when they think of lesbians. Butch lesbians are often very sporty and enjoy team sports such as football, baseball, softball and soccer.
Soft-butch or chapstick lesbians are lesbians who still show "feminine" characteristics but dress in a much more androgynous style. Their hair is often short to medium length and messy. They may wear makeup but generally very little and they are seen most often in jeans and a t-shirt. A soft-butch or chapstick lesbian's idea of dressing up is generally a button-up collared shirt and a loose tie.
Femme or lipstick lesbians are lesbians who simply ooze "feminine" characteristics and style. They like makeup, jewelry, pretty dresses and shoes. Femme or lipstick lesbians usually have medium to long hair and are often the more high-maintenance types of lesbians. They dislike getting dirty or going out in public without getting ready.
A boi is a type of lesbian who acts and dresses in a "masculine" fashion, throwing most - if not all - "feminine" characteristics out the door. Boi lesbians are the ones that, when you see them on the street, you often turn to a friend and whisper, "Is that a girl or a boy?" The correct answer to that question: "It's a boi."
A power dyke or suit lesbian is a lesbian in a position of power. They are often wearing dress suits or women's pant suits and are generally very dominant and a no-nonsense type of woman. Their hair may be long, medium or short but is always very clean and professional; as is the rest of their appearance.
A diesel dyke is a lesbian who is often heavy-set and very "masculine" in personality and appearance. Many members of the Dykes On Bikes section of any gay pride parade are diesel dykes. They generally hold jobs such as truck driver, bus driver, mechanic, etc.
A sport dyke is a lesbian who plays sports but is still rather "feminine." Their hair is often a long or medium length and is styled in a way that keeps it out of their face. The sports that a sport dyke usually plays are non-team sports such as tennis and track. Their style is often a low maintenance one but do not assume that they are low maintenance people; they are not. A sport dyke is usually militant about staying fit, monitoring their diet and exercising on a regular basis.
An incognito lesbian is a lesbian that you absolutely do not believe is actually a lesbian until... Well, until she proves it. (Example: Portia De Rossi - pictured above) Even when an incognito lesbian has a really gay backdrop, such as being at a gay bar or a gay pride event, you still assume that she is a straight girl who was dragged there by her gay friends because she just does not look gay. The difference between an incognito and a lipstick lesbian is that you can still tell that a lipstick is gay when you look at her.
A baby dyke is a lesbian that is young and/or has just come out of the closet. Baby dykes are usually a mod-podge of many different previously listed types of lesbian as they are just beginning to explore their lesbian selves. They can be spotted by the amount of gay pride paraphernalia they are wearing, which is generally an excessive amount.
A L.U.G. (Lesbian Until Graduation) is a woman who expresses great interest in women while in college but then ends up marrying a man once out of college. L.U.G.s are often feminists in college as well and may or may not grow out of it after college.

A Biebian is a lesbian who looks like Justin Bieber.
A Krisbian is a woman who is only gay for Kristen Stewart and is otherwise straight.
A hasbian is a woman who was once a lesbian but now expresses interest in men. This could be a switch from lesbian to straight or from lesbian to bisexual. It can be safely assumed that a hasbian was never really a lesbian at all. Bisexual maybe, but not a lesbian.
A gold star lesbian is a lesbian who has never been with a man.
A lone star lesbian is a lesbian who has only been with one woman and no men.
A stone butch lesbian is a lesbian who only gives sexual pleasure and does not allow her partner to reciprocate.
A pillow queen lesbian is a lesbian who only receives sexual pleasure and does not reciprocate for her partner.
There you have it. A nice, neat little guide to the basic types of lesbians. Of course not all lesbians will fit neatly in only one of these types. Each of us is different and many of us are a mixture of two or more of these types, but if you were to try lumping all of us into categories, these would be the basic ones to use.
Where do you fit?