Rule #1 - Never Date a Bisexual
is now
Rule #1 - Beware Bisexuals

Why the revision? Well, I realize that I was generalizing all bisexual women and discriminating against them, I guess. So let's clear things up:
Not all bisexual women are indecisive, walking mind-fucks. Some bisexual women are genuine and honest; they're just few and far between. So please, beware of bisexual women. Your competition is still doubled and I still stand by my previous statement:
A woman in a committed relationship with another woman who still calls herself bisexual is not in a committed relationship at all. She is essentially saying, "I'm leaving my options open."
So there you have it.
Rulebook revised.
Ha, I like this.... I have always thought of myself as bisexual and I have just started seeing another girl. I have been wondering whether I am still bi or am I a lesbian.... So thank you! Question answered!!