Ladies. :]
So last night The Girlfriend and I went to this thing called First Friday here in Vegas with our Hetero-Male Roommate. At this event there are people seemingly randomly placed on the sidewalk playing all different kinds of music; drum circles, noise from an altered GameBoy, guitars (lots of guitars) and spoken word. There are also booths along a closed-off street where you can find artists selling their art; handmade handbags, paintings, drawings that glow in black light, jewelry, etc. If you take out the fact that it was still hot out between 8PM and 10PM when we were there and the fact that I had to work early the next morning, it was fun. I wish we could have spent a little more time at the booths because there were a couple artists whose work I really enjoyed, but that's not the point.
The point to the story is this:
Where have all these lesbians been hiding?!
I know that The Girlfriend and I rarely go out, so maybe there's lesbians all over the place all the time that we don't know about, but I honestly think that the music and art festival atmosphere pulled all the coupled-off dykes out of the holes they'd buried themselves into.

But why? Why do we disappear when we couple-off? Is it because women are homebodies because of our "natural instinct to nest"? Does that mean that us lesbians that do couple-off and disappear are conforming to a gender-role stereotype?! Or are those couples that disappear just locked in the bedroom having amazing sex all the time and only a parade full of thousands of homosexuals and rainbows and glitter or an art/music festival can drag them out of their bed?
This is going to require some research. I can feel it.
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