Jan 12, 2013

Lessons Learned: 2012 Edition

Alright ladies, it's the new year and everyone's looking back on 2012 and trying to figure out what they did wrong so that they can avoid doing it all over again in 2013. Most of us will fail in that endeavor, but hey, who's counting. As for Amy and I, we've come up with our own lessons learned and compiled them here just for you.

Here's some of my Lessons Learned for 2012:
  1. The Beatles were wrong; love is not all you need. Real relationships are hard as hell. They don't just happen and they don't just work. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to grow a healthy relationship, but the right one is entirely worth it.
  2. Gaydar is not an exact science. There are going to be times when you're sure a girl is gay only to find out, after your best efforts to hit on her, that she is straight. It's going to be awkward and embarrassing, but you'll live. I promise.
  3. Being a parent is HARD. I won't even get into that one here (check my parenting blog for more on this one), but I will say that I have a very different view on screaming kids in grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
  4. Never live with your best friend. Amy and I learned this one together. Living together will alter your friendship in one way or another, and generally not for the better.
  5. Love the things you love. And don't be ashamed of them. People on the outside are going to judge you no matter what. As long as you've got people on the inside who love and support you, the rest can be forgotten.
  6. Put the effort into a friendship that you expect to get out of it. Otherwise that friendship will die and you'll end up like me, with only a few people to call your friends. I've never been very good at caring for friendships in a way that allows them to grow strong and reliable, but I do have a few people who have stuck with me in spite of that. They are some of the most important people in my life and that has made me realize that I should really spend more time taking care of the budding relationships between me and potential friends. I'm a social butterfly(or something) and I need plenty of friends of all different shapes and sizes that appreciate me for me.
I know it's only a list of six(and even that many was hard to come up with), but I think that about covers it on my end. I am excited for 2013 and all the new things it has in store for me. Watching my son learn to crawl, walk, and talk, my son's first birthday, our 2nd PRIDE together as a family, and hopefully(cross your fingers) a place of our own before 2014. 

Here's some of Amy's Lessons Learned for 2012:

  1. All women are crazy to SOME extent. It's filtering the ones out that are less crazy that's important. Don't try to fool yourself ladies, you know it's true.
  2. All lesbians somehow know each other.  Remember that time you messed up and hated yourself for WEEKS because of it? Yeah, that shit's about to hit the fan and you're going to need to do A LOT of recuperating.  You're going to be stuck in that web of shame like a helpless fly for a minute.
  3. Your reputation WILL follow you (refer to #2). So basically... don't be an ass-hat.
  4. NEVER DATE THE SAME PERSON TWICE! I'm sure a lot will disagree with me on this one. However in my own personal experience.... It's never proven to be a good thing. So. Much. Wasted. Time.
  5. Dating is NOT a priority. It will happen when it's supposed to happen and when it fits into your life. Do not blow off other things that are important to you because you want a girlfriend. 
  6. If you don't like something, CHANGE IT! I must admit, in the past I was the worst at this. Always something to complain about but never an attempt to change it.  Well, what the hell is that going to do?! 2012 was a life changing year for me, and I'm very proud of the the new Amy! (=
  7. Be honest about what you want and think. Being misleading looks way worse than being upfront does. And trust me, it doesn't feel good to realize you've been lied to the entire time. Lets just say because of this, I've officially mastered the art of honesty.  Sometimes to my very own demise.
  8. Life is full of surprises. Granted life may throw you a few curve balls, I find it's best to just go with it.  Pessimism will kill you, and no matter what happens you make life what it is.  I've had some really hard times and good times, but I've finally realized how to be thankful for all experiences.
  9. Surround yourself with good people. When those tough times come up, it's a life saver to have these people.  I'm truly thankful to those that have stuck by my side. <3
  10. Live life to the fullest! Don't waste a minute! Always be doing something and have fun! I've had some pretty awesome experiences in 2012 and it's a year I will NEVER forget!
Seems to me that I've got you beat Andrea ;) I'm not sure if that's a good thing though...? Either way, I'm really excited for 2013. I think this is going to be my year!

Jan 5, 2013

Holy Hiatus, Batman!


We've been MIA for almost exactly one entire year.

I'm sorry, but I have a good reason.
Want to know what it is?

His name is Alexander Grey and he was born on August 2nd, 2012.
Woah, right?

His existence is a bit of a long story, so if you want to know more just check out my parenting blog in the Links page, which will guide you through my journey as a non-biological parent.
For now I hope you can all understand that the time I have to write posts is delegated by this little guy.
If he doesn't want me to type a post, then a post likely won't happen.

Other than that,
I'm back to living in Las Vegas, NV and working at Target with plans to go back to school next year.
Why am I waiting until next year for school?
I have to live in Nevada for a year before they'll let me get resident tuition and my broke ass can't afford no out-of-state tuition.


My reason for disappearing is not NEARLY as adorable as Andrea's
but let's just say my life has been a bit hectic...

As you are aware, I'm currently in nursing school in Salt Lake City, UT.
I have officially started my last semester and I am already feeling overwhelmed.

I've been so busy guys, please excuse my absence.
It's been way harder than I expected to put normal things in life on the side burner.
But between juggling things for classes, labs, clinicals, work, friends, and family it has made life interesting to say the least.
If only you knew the things I've been doing...
Gross, but awesome at the same time!

I'd like to say that life is going to calm down once I graduate...
(But lets be real, when does that EVER happen?)
To be honest, I'm not even sure how to live a normal life without school!?
What will THAT feel like?


If you're curious about any of the details in our lives, you can check out the "About The Authors" page as soon as we get it up.

As for the blog, we are going to revamp things and get this started back up, so hopefully we can both stick to it and get something done around here.

Here's a few of the things we have plans for:
  • [Done] Adjust the blog's look. Possibly change colors and/or layout, etc.
  • [Done] Add a section for my experiences as a parent.
  • [Done] Finish and publish a "2012 Lessons Learned" post.
  • [In Progress] Add an "About The Authors" page for more information about Amy and myself.

Of course we are always open to input from our readers!
Drop us an email: andwadinlove@gmail.com
If this blog ran on nothing but Amy and I's ideas, it would die...
So send us yours, too!
And remember, we love attached pictures.