Rule #1 - Never Date a Bisexual
Rule #1 - Beware Bisexuals
Rule #1 - Beware Biflexibles

If you're confused, it's okay. So am I.
So, it has been brought to my attention that I have been confusing bisexuality with bisexual tendencies - yes, there's a big difference - and now that this distinction has been made clear in my head, I realize that my bisexual rule was completely misguided. Well, other than the fact that bisexuality is confusing. ;) I'll still stand by that statement.
[For the record, I'm only talking about women here.]
Those that are bisexual are far more trustworthy and genuine than those that are "biflexible" or those that like to kiss a girl every now and then just for the novelty of it. Those who treat bisexuality like it's some cool, attention-grabbing bandwagon are the ones that shouldn't be trusted. At least not in any form of a relationship. The "bisexual because it's neat" girls use bisexuality for the attention and little more.
For all my lesbians out there:
Stay away from the biflexible if you're looking for a relationship. If you're looking for a single night of fun at a club or a bar, then go ahead. Just remember that the hot, straight-looking girl giving you The Look while holding her boyfriend's hand is NOT relationship material and will royally fuck your mind if you try to make her relationship material. Also, any kind of "fun" you may be willing to have with her for a night will likely have to be where at least someone can see her, so keep that in mind. As soon as you try getting her alone, she's likely to lose interest. It's not fun for her if no one knows about it.

If you're at a bar and there is a plethora of people watching and she leans in with her drink in her hand and her breath so strong you could get drunk from it and she's giving you The Look and then she yells loud enough for everyone to hear, "Yeah! I'm bicurious!" Well, you're probably looking at a biflexible.
Now if you're in a more quiet place with less people around and the girl seems a little scared or embarrassed and doesn't really want other people to hear her say that she's bicurious and she's giving you that [adorable] look that has "sweet and innocent" written all over it? She's probably genuine and a bit fragile in that moment, so be gentle and take her seriously.
I really hope everything is clear now.
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